Expert Pest Control

Since 1999

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Bed Bug Exterminator Serving MD & PA

One-Day Heat Treatment

Safe, Fast, and Reliable

$300 Off Any Treatment

Fast, Safe, and Easy Bed Bug Treatment

Don't let bed bugs take over your home! Choosing the right company matters.

Bed bugs spread fast, and the wrong treatment will lead to headaches and repeat infestations.

Our expert team provides safe, reliable, and fast relief—so you can rest easy knowing the problem is truly gone.

Bed Bugs Gone
in 1 Day

Our Thermal Treatment completely eliminates bed bugs within 1 day.

Safe for Your Family and Home

No chemicals, completely safe for kids, pets, and plants.

Very Little Prep Needed

No need to bag clothes or move furniture. No need to throw anything away.

All Natural & Effective

Our Thermal Treatment is eco-friendly and more effective than chemical treatments.

Over 32 Years of Proven Bed Bug Expertise


Families Helped

32 Years

In The Industry


Jobs Done In Our History

3 Year

Training Required For Our Techs

  • We're Family-Owned and Operated

We’re a local, woman and veteran-owned business. We treat our customers like family—because they are.

  • 1-Year Warranty for Lasting Protection

We ensure bed bugs are fully eliminated, and if they return, so do we—free of charge. Plus, our warranty covers 50% of treatment if they come back on their own.

  • Local Experts You Can Trust

Our family has been protecting homes since 1999. All the big pest companies are bought out and foreign-owned. We’re local, and we’re here when you need us.

  • Get Personal, Reliable Service

Unlike big, corporate companies, we respond to emergencies quickly and care deeply about your safety and satisfaction.

$300 Off Any Treatment

Our Schedule Fills Up Fast — Call Now For Fast Relief!


Don't just take our word for it!

Hear our customers in their own words

Clark From Millers, MD

“My other exterminator spent one whole year trying to fix the problem, but ATC Termite & Pest Control fixed it in ONE VISIT! They deserve the highest credit available.”

Megan From Bowie, MD

“They were informative (without an aggressive sales pitch, pleasant and on-time. The work was performed and has been effective.”

Why Thermal is the smarter choice

Traditional Treatment

  • Multiple Visits Required: Often takes several visits over weeks or months to fully eliminate bed bugs.

  • Chemical Use: Relies on chemicals that may be harmful to kids, pets, and the environment.

  • Extensive Preparation: Requires bagging clothes, moving furniture, and other major preparations.

  • Risk of Recurrence: Bed bugs may return if eggs aren’t fully eliminated, leading to repeated treatments.

  • Long Downtime: You may need to vacate your home for an extended period during chemical treatments.

ATC Thermal Treatment

  • One-Day Solution: Bed bugs are completely eliminated in a single day with no follow-up visits needed.

  • 100% Chemical-Free: Safe for your family, pets, and plants—eco-friendly and toxin-free.

  • Minimal Prep: No need to bag clothes or move furniture. Just remove pets and plants.

  • Guaranteed Results: Kills all bed bugs, including eggs, in one treatment with long-lasting protection.

  • Back in Your Home the Same Day: You can return home immediately the same day after treatment.

Fast, Safe, and Easy Bed Bug Treatment

Schedule Your Service

Call us for a quick quote over the phone—no site visit needed! We’ll schedule a time that works for you.

Minimal Preparation

Just remove pets, plants, and a few heat-sensitive items. No need to bag clothes or move furniture.

Thermal Treatment

Our 1-day heat treatment completely eliminates bed bugs. We’ll also provide follow-up measures to keep your home protected.

Enjoy Peace of Mind

Relax knowing your home is bed bug-free. If they return, our 1-year warranty has you covered.

Let Our Family Protect Yours

At ATC Pest Control, we treat every home like it’s our own.

As a family-owned, local business, we take pride in delivering personalized care and reliable service that puts your family's safety and comfort first.

Your peace of mind is our priority — let our family protect yours!.

$300 Off Any Treatment

Our Schedule Fills Up Fast — Call Now!

Or Write Us a Message Below


Frequently Asked Questions

How fast can you come out?

We offer same-day or next-day service, depending on availability. Our team is ready to help as soon as possible to get your home bed bug-free quickly.

How long until my bed bugs are gone?

With our one-day heat treatment, your bed bugs are completely eliminated in just one day. You’ll see immediate results and can rest easy knowing they won’t come back.

What do I need to prepare before treatment?

Our process requires very little preparation. Just remove pets, plants, and any heat-sensitive items like candles or electronics. No need to bag clothes or move furniture!

I’m worried about neighbors seeing a bed bug truck.

We understand the need for discretion. Our trucks are marked very discreetly and don't have any information about bed buds on them. We take your confidentiality very seriously.

What areas do you serve?

We proudly serve York, PA, and the surrounding areas in both Pennsylvania and Maryland. Check our service area map to see if we cover your location.

Is your treatment safe for my kids and pets?

Yes! Our treatments are chemical-free and completely safe for kids, pets, and plants. You can rest easy knowing your home is protected without harmful toxins.

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ATC Pest Control

In Business Since 1999